Alfa Laval turns the heat way up at Zaldivar
At 3,300 meters above sea level in northern Chile, Barrick Zaldivar overlooks 1,240-hectares of copper openpit, heap-leach mines. Alfa Laval plate heat exchangers have been contributing to their operations with smooth, stable and efficient heat recovery for many years.
DATE 2566-11-28For over a decade, Zaldivar has been using Alfa Laval plate heat exchangers to recover heat in the electrowinning step of the copper extraction process. The installation was straightforward and relatively simple, and ever since, the heat exchangers have been stable, efficient and easy to maintain.
The units were easy to install because, unlike shell-and-tube heat exchangers, there was no need to build a special foundation. They included a frame and feet.
Alfa Laval provides a comprehensive range of plate heat exchangers of the traditional type, featuring gaskets between the plates.
Customer's voice
The units are very reliable. They have been operating without any major problems since 1994.
Roberto Villalobos
Maintenance manager