Space heating
Space heating aims to provide a comfortable indoor environment – at home, at work or in public buildings. Find out more about our comprehensive range of solutions for ensuring consistent, cost-efficient indoor comfort.
Transferring heat
Depending on the indoor environment and other factors, heat can be transferred using radiators, floor heating or air heaters. The use of hot water for space heating, especially via radiators, is very common. An alternative to radiators is under-floor heating, where heat circuits are placed under the floor. An air heater, blowing hot air into a room, is more commonly used in public buildings.
Complete solutions for space heating
Alfa Laval offers comprehensive solutions with a wide range of capacities for space heating buildings of all sizes. One example, the Micro heating substation, delivers a complete central heating and hot water solution for apartments or small houses connected to a heating network. Heat is automatically regulated according to outdoor temperatures to maintain the desired temperature for indoor comfort.
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